Thursday, August 12, 2010

For Rexie (because she so kindly asked)

There are updates I need to make ... to my blog, about my personal life, and even regarding recent events with Motherless (and S ~ together!)...

I'll blog later in the day.  It's way too early and the green tea just isn't doing ANYTHING for me.  I miss coffee (that is, real caffeine).  I miss fruit.  I miss toast.  I miss mayo.  I miss red wine.  Oh ... yeah... I'm doing this crazy FUCKING "cleansing" diet... for who knows how long... and well... I can hardly think straight (you know what I mean). 

Here's a new photo to get the last photo out of your skull.  It reminds me of fond times.  Iced lattes from McDonalds.  They weren't that great... but they were quick and I didn't have to get out of my car.  Plus Kevin and I generally loved bitching about how shitty they were.  It was the "experience" of drinking them.

So later today I have to go to my midwife for my annual "tune-up" but it's been like three years... so this should be... fun?  I think S is coming along.  I cannot imagine how this cannot turn into a blog-fest.  I'll make sure the camera is charged up.



Rexie said...

Ahhhhh....that's better. Me and my now warped psyche thanks you very much. Can't wait to read about the Motherless and S encounter. I've been on a cleanse before and they aren't fun, unless you get into the discipline of it. They can make you feel worse (as the toxins are purging) before you start to feel great. The caffeine cravings stop when your body is clean. I never went back to drinking fully loaded coffee because my circuits shorted out when I tried after I was done cleansing. Cheers to you, El!

Ren said...

Green tea has caffiene...ooops...

Glad for the update - look forward to more updat! lol! xoxoxoxoxoox

Becca said...

Why the cleansing diet? I'm just curious...

LGA said...

Becca, it was/is a candida cleanse. For those that may have issues with systemic candida or those that SUSPECT systemic candida. It's a good place to start.

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