Sunday, April 25, 2010

Support - the uncomfortable, underwire in your armpit kind...

I recently reconnected with an old friend on Facebook. These reconnections can be good and bad. I usually am very deliberate about who I add to my Friends List. I try to check out their profile, read their wall posts, find out what groups they belong to, etc. It is a little ridiculous. I admit it. I didn't really do that this time. According to Facebook we had one friend in common and this mutual friend is just a gem. Plus I really did enjoy talking with this guy in the past.

What the hell. I hit the "confirm" button and suddenly my inbox is flooded with messages like every five minutes. I wasn't even responding to him. It was like his monologue just random in messages to me. I thought it pretty harmless and was even grateful for some of the information he provided me. For example, I found out that a mutual friend of ours died last year! I had no clue!!

He asked me for medical advice, and I told him that I specialize in more of the "vagina specialty" as I am a midwifery student. I thought we could get a laugh at that. Anyway, when he asked his sports injury question anyway and wanted to know if he could have my phone number... it hit me. Ton of bricks. I'm a fucking idiot.

So I pointed out to him... I'm gay/have a girlfriend/thought you knew.

He tells me, "I didn't know you were gay, but I support any decision you make."

What is that about? I decided to be gay? Thanks for the support. Anyway. I stopped messaging him. He continued to send messages, and this morning I woke up with one that said "I'm not a stalker but here is my cell number." Wow. Not a stalker at all. No way in hell am I giving out my cell number. And goodbye Facebook friend.


AtYourCervix said...

OMG! That's insane. Definitely sounds creepy in the extreme.

Candice said...

Yeah, when someone has to come out and say "I'm not a stalker, but..." then you just might be a damn stalker. ;)

JP said...

Yeah I agree with Candice...

anytime someone says "I'm not a ___ but"... you can almost assuredly believe they are...

The reverse of that is true also... when someone says they are some quality, odds are they're not as much that quality as they think they are...

tybor said...

i'm finding that I wish your "REACTIONS" options included "love!" and "crazy!" ... I love most of your posts, and this one certainly qualifies for some crazy.

Bebe said...

"Not to be a bitch, but....."

Yeah, that deserves a "block" in my book.

LGA said...

I love "not being a bitch."